Friday, March 2, 2012

Life Begins at 50? Testimony From People Who Oughta Know.

"Life begins at 50". One of the folks on CBS This Morning delivered the Good News to anyone who wasn't already up to speed, and then reassured the "junior" anchor that 50 -- and her Better Life -- is on the way.

Ms. King and Mr. Rose have survived the Big Five-0 and, like a lot of faces you see on CBS, still play at the top of their game and prove the high level of their worth on a daily basis. CBS (you may recall) was once mocked by rivals as "The Geezer Network." So now that the Boomers have made 65 the new 50 -- or 40 -- logic says CBS is better equipped to carry on a conversation with us than their rivals, right? 

The ratings say CBS is doing just fine with both senior and junior viewers. And, arguably, they're always respected their elders. The other networks are watching their viewers skew older every year. So, how are they going to stay relevant? 

Maybe by keeping an eye on CBS.

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